So, what can we do for your company?

Katie Dewees has over 12 years of experience in creating websites, and has been following the Internet industries and updating her repertoire all along the way.

Many small business owners know that they need a website, but don't really know what they should be able to expect from the Internet. The first question I often hear from my clients is, "Well, what CAN you do?"

The most basic website: A "Calling Card" Site

A "Calling Card" website is one where your clients can find your business on the Internet. It will include your contact information, a description of what your business can do for them, and how to find your "brick & mortar" location. These kinds of websites are like hiring a secretary for your company who can work day and night. People can find information about your business even when your doors are locked and you're snug in bed.

Giving a little bit more information: Adding more pages

Do you have curious customers? Do you want to introduce your employees to your customers, and those who might be potential customers? Brag about your company and employees a little! Do you own a Heating and Cooling repair business? Maybe your customers might like to know about how their system works, and what problems to watch for during different seasons of the year. Your website can be the go-to home on the Internet for information about your industry. When your customers can learn valuable information from your website, your business will remain in the forefront of their mind. They will thank you for your courtesy by frequenting your business.

Taking it a step further: E-commerce Websites

Give your customers the ease and convenience of ordering your products from your website. Do you own a lawnmower parts supply business? It may be cold and grass-less where your business is, but there is probably somewhere in the country (the world!) who needs to cut their grass, and needs a new lawnmower blade to do it. Tap into the 24/7 market, and get in on the game of selling your wares on the Internet. An e-commerce website is a great investment. It is revenue that runs itself! Online payment systems can also be useful for other money-collection endeavors (t-shirt orders for a school club or church youth group, fund raising opportunities, or orders for a special luncheon at your church or organization).

Keeping it up to date: Dynamic Content

Do you need to share information with your customers that changes often? Menus, calendars and sale specials are all examples of content you might offer on your website that would need to be updated frequently. If you don't know HTML, the programming language to create web pages, this could be a giant hassle. With the dynamic websites created by Dewees Designs, though, you can type in a new menu item and click the update button and be sharing your new seasonal, weekly or daily special with potential customers instantly.

The Sky's the Limit!

Have you seen something on the Internet that wow'ed you? Ask us about it! You might be surprised how simple it could be to implement technology to work for your business or organization. If we don't know how to do it, it just might be that project we've been itching to learn how to do. If we can't do it, we'll try to help you find someone who can. Just try us - you will be pleasantly surprised.